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Laurence Mathews 1 Queens Road
Southend-on-Sea SS1 1LT
has been serving Artists and Hobbyists since 1945

     Cookies and Privacy Policy

Laurence Mathews is committed to protecting your privacy.
Please read the following privacy policy to understand how we use and protect the information that you provide to us.
By registering or placing an order on this website, you consent to the collection, use and transfer of your information under the terms of this policy.

In order to process your order we will ask you to register and provide relevant information about yourself including your name, contact details and telephone number. Once you've registered, you will not have to supply that information again for any subsequent orders. We also use the information provided to notify you of your order status. We may also collect information about your usage of our website as well as information about items you have purchased in the past. We may use other companies to provide services on our behalf, such as fulfilling orders, processing payments, packing and delivery. We will only disclose your information to them to the extent needed to deliver the service. Your email address will not be divulged to any marketing or any other company. You will not be placed on a mailing-list.

During the course of any visit to our website, the pages you see, along with a short text file called a 'cookie', are downloaded to your computer. Many websites do this, because cookies enable website publishers to do useful things like find out whether the computer (and probably its user) has visited the website before. This is done on a repeat visit by checking to see, and finding, the cookie left there on the last visit. Information supplied by cookies can help us to provide you with a better online user experience and assist us to analyse the profile of our visitors. The shopping basket uses a cookie to store its reference number. Unless cookies are enabled in your browser we cannot process your order in a satisfactory manner.

'strictly necessary' cookies
Always first-party and not persistent.
These include functional navigation and user session cookies for shopping baskets.
This site uses such essential cookies. Please do not use this site if you disagree on their use.
Preferences cookies
Always first-party and may be persistent.
These cookies include accessibility and preferences options.
This site uses a cookie to store your preferences (screen size, basket information). Please do not use this site if you disagree on their use.
Third-party non-advertising cookies.
These cookies allow access to associated web services.
The only such cookies allowed by this website are the optional Facebook Like button and those set by Google Maps and YouTube videos.
Please click here to disable these third-party cookies.
Third-party advertising cookies.
There are no such cookies on our website.

Virtually all modern browsers allow you to see what cookies you've got, and to delete them individually or delete all of them.
Many browsers can also be set up to ask consent for each individual cookie before it is set. This gives you very fine control over what cookies you get, but it can slow down your browsing experience if you have to check each and every cookie.
Most browsers also give you the right to block third party cookies. Most of these third party cookies will be the behavioural advertising cookies. Therefore blocking 3rd party cookies is effectively opting out of most behavioural advertising.

Some browsers let you block cookies from particular sites. So for example if you are happy to get cookies from a site you trust, but you don't want to get cookies from a site you don't particularly trust, you can set up your browser to black list the site you don't trust and refuse any cookies it tries to give you.
Most browsers will let you delete all cookies when you close your browser. You should be aware that any preferences including any opt outs you have set will be lost if you do this.
Finally, you can tell your browser to block all cookies from being set. You should be aware that if you do choose this option many sites will not work as smoothly as you are used to, and some functionality that is reliant on cookies to enable services you want to use will not work at all.

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